Definition: The potential for a loss related to your data Commentary: The risk could be through a wide range of risk categories such as regulatory risk, compliance risk, reputational risk, data breech...
Data Sovereignty
Definition: A legally enforceable authority that is asserted over data by any entity, including not only the laws imposed by governments and regulators, but also the legally binding contractual obliga...
Definition: The process of converting Personal Data into a form that no longer identifies individuals and where re-identification is not likely* to take place. Commentary: In some jurisdictions, such ...
Definition: A piece of information that is not of itself a unique identifier of an entity, but that is sufficiently well correlated with the entity that it can be combined with other quasi-identifiers...
Tier (Storage Tier)
Definition: A level of storage within a tiered storage architecture Commentary: Different storage tiers will have different characteristics of cost, availability, performance and recovery
Definition: Data that is held physically and persistently on a storage device in any digital form Commentary: The term can apply to both structured and unstructured data
Data sensitivity classification
Definition: A classification of the information within a data asset that indicates the level of control and protection that must be applied to the asset due to the nature of the data and its sensitivi...
Data Processing Pipeline
Definition: The sequence of processing steps that are performed between consumption of source data and production of an analytical product or outcome Commentary: Under the GDPR and other data protecti...
Operational Data
Definition: Data that supports the processes and systems that operate a business. Commentary: Data assets can generally be classified as either operational or analytical. Analytics data supports analy...
Definition: A combination of two or more cloud environments Commentary: Multi-cloud environments can combine environments from more than one cloud service provider or can combine separate environments...